





我们的 职场西班牙语 major responds to the need for bilingual professionals and equips students with the language skills that are directly applicable to their chosen careers. 教学的重点是发展和磨练语言能力. 学生流利的西班牙语是通过全面的阅读练习来达到的, 写作, 西班牙语口语和听力理解能力. Advanced courses in 西班牙语 for Business or 西班牙语 for Healthcare Professionals include a hands-on component, such as direct contact with business professionals through class visits or shadowing medical interpreters at work. 的 职场西班牙语 专业包括在商业公司或医疗机构实习. 这个150小时的课程, 在海外或本地完成, allows students to put to practice the language skills learned in the classroom and apply them to their future profession.

学生获得扎实的理论基础后, they are strongly encouraged to further develop proficiency in 西班牙语 through an immersion experience abroad. 有几个选项:


我们的 January program is an ideal opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the language and culture they are studying. 例如, 厄瓜多尔的E-term, 提供为期三周的西班牙语强化练习, 通过寄宿在厄瓜多尔家庭的方式, 严格的西班牙语课程和对厄瓜多尔文化的深入探索. 澳门新葡京官网教师引导学生对拉丁美洲的理解和欣赏, encourage them to become life-long learners of 西班牙语 and help them build memories that last forever.


斯克莱纳国际项目中心 Krulak Institute (NCC Suite 280) encourages the development of globally-engaged students through advising, 准备和支持海外学习和交流项目, 国际实习和研究机会. 这样的经历对学习外语的学生来说尤为重要. 最近,我们的学生在西班牙、智利和阿根廷学习.  这些经历深刻地影响了我们的学生, giving them the invaluable experience of living abroad and significantly advancing their proficiency in 西班牙语. 的re are overseas opportunities available across 拉丁 America and in Spain during all academic terms.  Study away offers 澳门新葡京官网 students an exciting and transformational experience that provides professional development skills and opportunities that make you stand out in the workplace. 


实践经验是我们新课程的重要组成部分 职场西班牙语 专业,并且是该项目的学生的强制性经历. 没有比学习工作实践更好的方法了, 还有语言和文化, 来自在国外工作的专业人士. Study abroad program providers now offer internship placements for advanced level foreign language students. 我们最近一次实习是在多米尼加共和国.



    的 西班牙语 faculty at Birmingham-南部 College believes that undergraduate language study should, 最重要的是, 让学生适应现实生活. 我们希望让我们的学生能够说并理解西班牙语.

    Whereas we do not anticipate that the typical undergraduate 西班牙语 major will achieve native-like fluency in the language with four years of campus-based study, we have designed the 西班牙语 program at the College to give students a solid mastery of language skills and expose students to a wide range of vocabulary that can be used in a variety of settings.

    的 西班牙语 curriculum also gives students numerous opportunities to make formal or informal presentations in the language in order to develop poise and confidence in speaking before groups.

    的 西班牙语 faculty feels that an immersion experience in a 西班牙语-speaking country is vital for the student who seeks true mastery of the language, 我们鼓励出国学习一个学期, 暑期项目, 或临时期限.

    最后, we believe that intercultural sensitivity is a high priority for students preparing for careers that involve contact with speakers of 西班牙语. 学生选择专业或, 在较小程度上, 一个小, in 西班牙语 at Birmingham-南部 College should end their college years confident that their language studies have equipped them to speak and write the language well, 了解西班牙语母语者的语言和文化, 并在各种职业道路上运用他们的西班牙语能力.



    克里斯蒂安·伯洛克,17岁,西班牙语专业, 目前正在多米尼加共和国完成实习.

    杰西卡·斯佩里,16岁,西班牙语专业, 目前 at Augusta University in Augusta Georgia earning a master's in nursing as Clinical Nurse Leader

    斯姆丽蒂·克里希南,15岁,西班牙语专业, 是阿拉巴马大学的研究生,学习法律和西班牙语.

    艾米丽·霍尔斯特,13岁,主修英语辅修西班牙语,在 “英语开门” 智利项目. 她目前正在 在蒙大拿大学获得英语硕士学位.

    克里斯托弗·大卫,11届,西班牙语专业 曾就读于莫比尔南阿拉巴马大学(美国)医学院. 2015年从医学院毕业后,他开始在UAB担任内科住院医师. 

    肯顿·迈尔斯,11岁,西班牙语专业, 是一名经过认证的医疗口译员,也是M&N语言服务公司. 


    All new students entering Birmingham-南部 (either as first-year students or transfers) must take a placement exam in 西班牙语 if they've studied the language prior to starting at 南部. This doesn't mean that they'll necessarily have to study 西班牙语 rather than another language in college. 它只是意味着, 他们应该决定继续学习西班牙语吗, 西班牙教师会知道最适合他们从哪里开始.

    SN 101-102: 这是为从未正式学习过西班牙语的学生准备的. 我们假设修sn101 -102的学生是学过法语的学生, 德国, 拉丁, 或者在高中学习其他语言.

    SN 201: This is a one-semester course designed specifically for students who had some exposure to 西班牙语 in high school (usually 两个 years) but need a refresher before being ready for more advanced study at the intermediate level or beyond.

    SN 220: This course is designed for 澳门新葡京官网 students who've completed SN 101-102 or SN 201 and want to continue studying 西班牙语. 它也适合那些在高中度过了两年非常好的学生, 或者在高中读三四年. It's an intermediate-level grammar review course that prepares students to continue with the intermediate conversation and reading courses.

    SN 221: 这是一个 密集的 course in 西班牙语, designed for students who’ve had one or 两个 years of 西班牙语 in high school. Students start where SN 201 starts, but cover 两个 semesters of 西班牙语 in one semester at 澳门新葡京官网. 这门课有 两个 units of credit and is ideal for students who want to jumpstart their ability in 西班牙语 so they can go on to develop a meaningful degree of proficiency in the language.

    SN 270: 这是中级会话,完全用西班牙语授课. Students who've had a solid four or five years at the high school level and have a good grasp of grammar might place here.

    SN 280: This is intermediate reading and focuses on teaching students strategies for reading in 西班牙语. It, too, is taught entirely in 西班牙语 and requires a similar high school background as SN 270.

    新生的成绩很少高于270或280. Students are welcome to talk with the 西班牙语 faculty about their particular background in 西班牙语 and any questions they have about their placement at 澳门新葡京官网.




    • 在各种现实生活中都能用西班牙语,
    • 针对不同的主题,精心制作正式和非正式的演讲,
    • understand the gist as well as several discrete details of discourse as spoken by native speakers of 西班牙语 at native speed,
    • write in 西班牙语 with a high degree of grammatical correctness and appropriate choices of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions,
    • 在不同的时间框架内用西班牙语进行对话,
    • 承认并尊重不同西班牙语国家之间的文化差异